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Stay Real Forever





2008-10-17 21:04:32|  分类: 心情感[暢所欲言] |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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You can always heard Felix sigh, this isn't  his real intention , he won't, sometimes he can't control himself .

I know that is a bad habit, no mean that felix is passive, he want active to live, he love peace, love music,  love life, love his friends,  friends always say to me : hey! Don't sigh . I know, but its as usual in my life. 

I am a optimistic boy at one time,but I am a introvert now . I am a big mouth ever, and that time I like talking with everybody , and now I only talking with my good friends , face to stranger will no chat . My friends found my talk more and more less, a talking no many words, begin to silent ,and quiet ,and sign.......

I am not a pessimistic guy, but I just like sign, I will more and more like life, and have a positive attitude towards life , I not a loser, and not succeed , I am a common guy, even though feel lonely, as though will hate the society,  I know I can't change the society , but I can change my mood , the attitude make up my mind ,and less sigh , I know its difficult , I will pay.

I feel empty now , right now , but I can't sigh anymore ,be more take care it .

Ole ! Felix , trust yourself.

And today afternoon is funny , Sam call me ,she saw my blog and asking my foot be OK? Thanks ,I am fine. She is enjoy my  writings,and laughing without end, she ask me who is The Five Warrior of Langya mountain?  I answer her is The Brothers of Calabash , is funny.


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