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Stay Real Forever




a Apple  

2008-09-23 23:08:09|  分类: 心情感[暢所欲言] |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |

I have through the long waiting,  I know the dream is dream and me is me .

That time forgot to stay the most beautiful moment, all past .

Once I want embracing the rainbow,  the full bloom flower , the pure smiling , and the wind blown abruptly, just me only here.

I don't know the living's those are sorrowful ,why he follow me? after all, whose mistake is , still is that I don't get out?

Oh, those sorrowful, my humor the world gives ,This whether that tell me? tide is removed after all tide drop ! I wish someone accompany me anyhow, ingest a bitter pill , and tastes a little fond dream again, I wait for you speak first, that winter can go away .

Somebody pass me,somebody live in my brain ,and somebody drill a hole in the heart, someone becomes a photo , piles up in the corner, those dust freezes up like snow cool .

If time being able to backwards, I think I can do it . OK, I know I had do my best !

I thought of after distant , is it possible for somebody to know me,in  this lonely world, have lived like me?

After distant, the end of the world,  not body can loot my eternal affection !

I think must have one my song , loudness sing ,and see the world, hey! this lift is enough .

In fact, alive is very good...Eat a apple again !


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