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Stay Real Forever




Teacher's Day  

2008-09-10 22:00:12|  分类: 心情感[暢所欲言] |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Today is Teacher's day , best wish for all teachers . They are the painstaking person in the world.

When you leave to school, go to the society , you will find some good points from teachers ,and understand them .

My Mom is a Chinese teacher , my sister is a English teacher , and my friend have some one been a teacher now . Teacher is a elevation occupation , if Felix been a teacher , what are you thinking?

Felix isn't look like a teacher , if he is a teacher ,waht the student look like? But if Felix is a teacher ,he will be a good teacher ,he will be the students' friend ,he like play with the young guys, his course was very funny, students will love him !

So, this is  Sir Felix! どうぞよろしくお愿いします 

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