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Stay Real Forever




Felix with a heavy heart   

2008-02-22 23:27:15|  分类: 心情感[暢所欲言] |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Return to Chengdu have a week soon , almost time was in the dormitory with my room-mates . We have nothing to do in this time , because of we don't go to class , we must fill out a form......hey, you don't mind ,the said was useless words or statement , sorry. It is recently that to discover my thought is dried up !!!  I can't create new things ,can't create originality things,I am a originality-exhauster ! The completion of a course design is the big problem,and the dissertation is a troublesome thing, I can't research the Storyboard carefully, and don't analyze therhythm , I can't do it ! I want to change the title of dissertation . I want write about the Pre-production of Animation .hey, it is break my heart ! But Felix must exert himself ! Please support Felix , he can do it !

And talking about the private affair, I wish to have a private talk with you , I miss you very much, and want to see you ! I can't learned about the relationship between you and me , I think you can't too . Maybe only is the God can know it ,the relationship like a long distance running , look like very far ,the real is a paper , I can't poke it, I didn't have the courage to poke it , I am a craven .don't laugh at me ,please . Hey ! Can you  sense that ? The sunshine beauty ?

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