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happy. BIRTH. day to Jessica  

2008-11-06 23:13:32|  分类: 心情感[暢所欲言] |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Today is Jessica's birth day , happy. BIRTH. day! Have a nice day!

Jessica is a close friend of mine, also is my apprentice . We are classmate in high school, but in that time between us have no talking a word.  It's strange that we will be so close now, is unusual , is funny.

We begin to know each other is on university, she is in Luoyang , I was in Chengdu, is excited to found the classmate in the Internet , talking in the internet is no bashful , so we talking very well, and become the friend, and the best friend, and she become an apprentice of mine,haha, the reason is funny.

2006FIFA Germany world cup ,everyone were crazed for the football , I am a fan, Jessica is a layperson, she want see the game, but she can't see understand, so she often ask me something about football , so I become her master, hey,this is the reason.

And today is her birth day , I call her at 00:30, is a phone chat , and she is very happy. Have a nice day, my apprentice !

Ole !

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