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Stay Real Forever




Felix in home  

2008-01-12 16:45:54|  分类: 心情感[暢所欲言] |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Hey! Guys,Felix was in home now,in Luocheng,Guangxi.

Its a good feeling back home,But the journey is very difficult, Said repeat, I hate the train! It wasted too my much time!But,so what? This is the consequences of poor......I am a poor :(

Felix in home have two days,Just two day,a lot things happened,For example,My Mom and my grandmother's quarrel, when they quarrel, I was in scene, a pleasant conversation changed suddenly ! I couldn't believe, but it's ture! the change happened. In fact, I know why,the fuse is not the number,is not the house, This a long-time problem,For my Mom,this is a Outbreak!,endure for a long time,finally outbreak! I am very sad.

I am sorry to talk these,but it also is a part of my life.

In the end,Suddenly,Felix want to see you,miss you, Can you feel that?

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