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Stay Real Forever





2007-12-27 23:58:52|  分类: 心情感[暢所欲言] |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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a Feng Xiaogang film.
Finally ,Felix went to the cinema saw the annual New Year large film"Assembly"last night,  and  this is Feng Xiaogang's restructuring for the annual, It's a war film!
The film is very good, very shocked, very heart-stirring, whether the war scenes or describe the feelings of the starring,Felix think, Feng Xiaogang has been successful !
I like the first a street fight, is the most exciting china war film paragraphs,in the sloshing  lens,we can feel the humble and courageous,The brutality of the war and eternal of the life all show you!
From the professional saw,Its lens use, the conversion scene,the ambitious sound,all that is deserve to learn by felix! Although many people take this paragraphs comparison with ''Saving Private Ryan'',  But I think that the "assembly" is a China's war film, China's soldiers ,should not be used the same !
Saw  the "Assembly" before, I fought to film 95 points, but after I saw  only to the 90 points, why? Although the film is very good, but there are problems,because of the Feng Xiaogang's problems, His handling of the "war" and "peace" turning point in relations have the problem, and that is too easy to find 49 Soldiers ,There is no need for that part of the show War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea .............
But from a business perspective, Feng Xiaogang has been very successful, "Assembly" at the box office is very good, congratulations the Director Feng Xiaogang!
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